Saturday, September 02, 2006

Choosing a home-based business

A home-based business can be either product-oriented or service-oriented. Product-oriented businesses are usually two types: a) selling products made by you, family members and/or employees (like raw materials such as fabrics or tanned leather, kits like yarn/pattern and knitting needles, partially finished items like unpainted bird houses or completed articles such as jewelry and belt buckles) or b)selling products manufactured by others and either purchased by you for resale or sold on an order basis. Services may involve performing a service at the place of business (word processing, tutoring, bookkeeping or child care) or at another location (house painting, carpet cleaning or consulting). To determine or confirm your business idea(s), examine your interests, skills and abilities, education/training, and experiences.
You must enjoy doing the work involved. Just because you make super apple pies or wooden toys doesn't mean that you would want to create them six days a week. Perhaps you would rather teach others to make pies or toys! Teaching requires a totally different set of skills and interests than doing the actual work yourself

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